March 06, 2010


When I ask someone about their inspiration, my hope is for a long answer. A vivid, rambling, dissertation with tangents and eloquent departures-the kind of conversation that begins in one place and then veers off into its own exuberant, immortal, frisky rave. I want to know everything and so I ask.

The side effect off all these sparkling divulgences is their transformation on me, knee deep in notes and whirling with ideas. Particularly when the first images shape in the mind and I lick my lips scheming over a few radical possibilities. There are also wistful moments when it becomes apparent that no, most of this will not be possible in a space of 900 square feet. All that fantasy shaped with poignant details and presented in a striking way after many sleepless nights. I succeed and emerge permanently, magically altered by the sublime flashes of a few unconventional minds. It is this continuum of muses and illuminations that shape my ideas.

For now, here is a picture from Paris, sent today by Sylvia, to bring a little sunshine to a rainy California winter day.

See you on the internet…

At Paris’ Salon du Chocolat lovers of fashion and frivolity embrace higher forms of devotion. For fifteen years, these chocolatiers have used only their sweetest dreams to craft their couture. Embodied in the sashays of sugar and spice, these candy-coated manifestos reveal the boundlessness of curiosity and courage-unwrapped.

Joanne Molina/photo Marc Susset-Lacroix


C and C (Lake Tahoe) said...

...its ALL I want for Christmas

1/2 C (Lake Tahoe) said...

...over my dead body!

Alistair, bightened in Santan Monica said...

o la la, those Parisians sure know how to wrap their chocolates.

Karen (Danish Babe) said...

poor Alistair, he is sooooo discombubulated he can't spell. What have you done to those poor boys!!!!!

not french said...

i guess you have to be french to appreciate this idea

Anonymous said...

I wish I could find someone,something, somewhere inspiring.

Joanne said...

Ms. Edna: Merci! You, my dear, have inspired *me*