“The Great Wallpaper conspiracy.”
*This post may contain spoilers.*
Just remember, you left us cliffhanging by the pool.
Dear Sherlock, when you are bored your mind scratches itself raw!
And the trouble you get into…
...For instance, that woman, whatshername, looking magnificently retro-burlesque in some sort of early-twenty-century-style peignoir in Slytherin green. Absolutely stunning although, and btw, we adored THE WALLPAPER! If only the one woman antagonist we're likely to see wasn't a dominatrix, no matter how well written.

Do you have a wallpaper web-site?
Just calling to find out.
My appologies, but you two look a lot better dressed.
See what I mean? Love the wallpaper.
Are you sure M(ona)?
I am, is re-assuring, absolutely, is not.
Draw your own conclusions, friends. What is the meaning of the Great Wallpaper Conspiracy? Is it merely that the person who does set design for BBC Sherlock has a share in Timorous Beasties? Is it a throwback to the Victorian aesthetic? Or have you, like me, stopped thinking about Sherlock and started thinking about how awesome it is when clothes look like upholstery? Hmm, I wonder whether I should try and find some Sherlock-esque wallpaper print for my next pair of Shakespearean knee-breeches... after all, one can never have too many.
I can't say much about the actual case because of the Official Secrets Act but the country was nearly brought to its knees by one person - Irene Adler (aka Whatshername).
She's now under a witness protection scheme so we'll not be seeing her again. And Sherlock seems fine with that.
Thanks for the post.
Really, M(ona), what's the point in this post?
It adds context. Gives people an idea about the real you.
How does it? And why should people want to know the real me? What's the point?!
So there I am, dealing with Whatshername when suddenly I'm whisked away.
Due to the client involved I've had to delete the rest of this comment. Needless to say, it was quite the adventure.
And I'm sure it won't be the last time we hear the name M(ona). In fact, I'm pretty certain he's getting texts from her. It's funny, in the time I've known him, I've never seen him take the slightest interest in a woman but this one... She's got to him.
“She’s got to him?” Really, John, you should become a professional author!
Something to hope for.
Dear Sherlock 'I've hacked into your computer.
Just a little game to play and I know how much you like to play.
John, fetch me my revolver. The play is on!
Sorry, I'm still typing up what happened last night. :-0
I hate Whatshername. I’m irrational like that. But it was fun to watch her make Sherlock squirm.
Der M(ona) I am smitten with you. Also, you are good with a gun, apparently irresistible to Sherlock and on occasion you look like Mona Lisa.
Thank you Mona, lovely post.
Sherlocked and cumberbatched too.
Some of the many, many things I love about the BBC's modernized series Sherlock:
Sherlock’s wallpaper!!
Sherlock’s kitchen table décor
Benedict Cumperbatch,OBVIOUSLY.
"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a highly functioning sociopath. Do your research."
-Sherlock (to Anderson)
Some have suggested that the BBC's Sherlock is not a high-functioning sociopath, but on the autism scale, probably Asperger's. The reasoning is that he doesn't seem particularly charming, or particularly interested in wearing masks. But BBC Sherlock can act normally when he wants to, even charming.
I don't think BBC Sherlock is an entirely accurate depiction of a high-functioning sociopath, but he is quite good, at least in broad strokes -ambisexual, morally ambivalent, constant need for stimulation, ADD, obsessed with playing games to keep his brain from "rotting", unapologetically uses people, chooses to do "good" only because it's convenient and not because of any concern for the people he is "helping," incredible ability to compartmentalize, seductive, compelling, obsessive, flexible and ambiguous personality, seemingly inconsistent behavior or beliefs, actively cultivates and wields power, thinks the world of himself but is realistic about his shortcomings, mental maps of his physical and personal environments, manipulative, cunning, capacity for single-mindedness but also easily distracted, etc. The exact ways in which these traits are portrayed sometimes seem ridiculous, like this explanation of why Sherlock wouldn't know certain basic facts, like the make-up of the solar system, because he is so hyper focused on other things that he finds more interesting.
But most of television focuses on the outrageous and the exaggerated. If BBC Sherlock weren't so extreme in some of his sociopathic traits, he wouldn't be as fun to watch. But as a message to any BBC executives who may be reading - if you're really interested in making BBC Sherlock as accurate as possible, I'm available for a very reasonable consultation fee.
Of course this is an essentially useless analysis of a fictional character, but it's heartening to see on television another sympathetic portrayal of a (presumably) self-diagnosed high-functioning sociopath, and of course people's relatively positive reactions to him.
I recommend the bbc make a tv series of Donna Leon's inspector Brunnetti crime books, based in Venice. A receipe to go down in history as an original,classic series.
You would know, being a histrionic narcissist.
How curious you would say such a thing. In what way did I display narcissism? Not that I deny having a small number of narcissistic tendencies. Rather my intense dislike of histrionic habits such as proclaiming your mental 'disorder' to the world (A Study in Pink).
Interesting how you scored not only highly narcissistic but histrionic as well.
An attention whoring creature, my favorite kind of sparring partner.
Do go on!
M #1, sorry Mona
Jim Moriarty you are our favorite Semtex-happy consulting criminal.
But sorry to tell you, you are NOT #1. As you handler Molly Hooper should have told a long time ago.
We've got a sparring match! Love those, there's always something to look forward to.
So you guys might have heard that CBS is planning on making a copy of BBC Sherlock. Which I just think is absolutely insane! Can television networks not think up their own original shows that they have to go taking British shows and crapping on it! Ughh anyways apparently they cast the guy that is going to play Sherlock.
Steven Moffat even tweeted: "Dear CBS. A modern day Sherlock Holmes? Where, oh where, did you get THAT idea? We'll be watching!"
I wonder if I could play Sherlock???
Anderson, don't think out loud, you lower the IQ of the entire Google site.
Well now, you boys are posting together might we expect a happy announcement by the end of the day?
This is how you get your kicks, isn't it? You post to prove you're clever.
Where did you get these lines?
We steal them from the show when we are annoyed.
You stole them from a friend?
No, an enemy.
Oh! Which one?
Molly, I'm in shock, I need a blanket. Would you fetch me one?
B***** off!
Oh, look at you. You're so vacant. Is it nice not being me? It must be so relaxing. Dear God, what is it like in your funny little brain? It must be so boring!
The game, Mrs. Hudson, is on.
Could you get us some breakfast?
Just this once?
Not your housekeeper. I'm your landlady.
Just this once, but I'm not your housekeeper.
Lestrade, are these creatures real?
Yes, they are they...are amazing.
Of course we are, we are extraordinary. Quite extraordinary.
That's not what people normally say about you.
What do people normally say about me?
Piss off!
Shut up, everybody, shut up!
Don't move, don't blog, don't breathe, I'm trying to think.
Everybody, STOP commenting, you're putting me off.
Say goodnight everybody.
Comments closed. Thanks for the inspiration.
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