One thing I have found interesting is the hormonal outpouring from female viewers including me: I've seen Cumberbatch before, he was never sexy. Suddenly he is wearing a long coat and his eyes look kind of oh yes, and he's got a very funny script and a decisive don't-give-a-toss demeanor and he's clever and YES I WOULD.
He’s an updated version of a popular old classic, a mysterious, socially removed, insouciant but charming super genius. He and his prosaic sidekick solve crimes involving monstrous villains. It is not surprising that we adore them.
Any downside? Sadly yes.
M(ona) Moriarty!
Holmes' evil nemesis (Arch Enemy?) is female as befits the 21st century adaptation. But oh no, Sherlock wont have it. (Frankly, I refuse to cry because Holmes thinks I've put on weight!) This is a boys' games in a boys' world, and the women are incidental. Which is not to say that the (other) Moriarty wasn't, well o.k.
M(ona) Moriarty
How perfect would it have been for a modern take on Sherlock, had the show's creators/writers made Sherlock's nemesis M(ona) Moriarty. Sadly, it wasn't to be.
I expect M(ona)will turn out to be the sniper.
I am disappointed too, that they have unmasked Moriaty so quickly. As observed, the writing on the stationary was very feminine so I was hoping the villain would be YOU.
Mind you, Moriarty isn't REALLY Moriarty, but just a puppet for the real villian(ess)...
You M(ona)can be our Moriaty anytime. LOL.
And there he is...
"A compulsive and unrelenting need to work-workaholic. Sherlock Holmes is the original. All that matters is the work, he tells Dr. Watson. Does he have an intimate relationship with anyone? No. Is he gay, straight, bi? Who knows? Where does he like to vacation? Who does he like to vacation with? Nowhere and no one. Strange man. Some people think he's a psycopath. Watson thinks he's just hyperactive, a live wire with a brain that works with the speed of a particle collider. The rest of us don't use our brains enough; we don't understand that life is a puzzle full of clues played for high stakes. We see the world but miss the details. We're just ordinary mortals, and he... well, he's Sherlock Holmes."
-intro to show
you're my woman ! thanks for the post. lol
The game M(ona) M., is on!
this sounds like 'A three patch solution' to me. You being the REAL nemesis. Love the idea.
It should never be what other people think...but I love the idea of Mona Moriaty,
Not a bad idea Mona M. Not bad at all!
Don't tell me too much, Mona. Women are never to be trusted... even the best of them.
She loves an entrance Holmes, your muse...
You'll miss me, Sherlock.
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